You've seen the stories time and again: Exercise to prevent
coronary artery disease. Eat better to reduce your risk of coronary heart
disease. Stop smoking to stop heart disease. Lower your cholesterol to lower
your odds of developing cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease?
Coronary heart disease? Heart disease? Cardiovascular disease? What are all
these things? And what's the difference, anyway?
Perhaps you've been bombarded so often with warnings and
advice about your heart that you simply don't pay attention anymore. Or you
don't know what these conditions mean or exactly how destructive they can be to
your health. Understanding the various terms and how they're often used,
sometimes even incorrectly, can help you sort through the morass. And if you
know more about the various types of cardiovascular disease, and the havoc they
can wreak on your body, you may be more inclined to take steps to prevent them.
You'll also know more about the ways all of the different manifestations of
cardiovascular disease interact to affect your health, and you'll learn how you
can best control your risks.
First, consider cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular
disease is a broad, all-encompassing term. It's not a single condition or
disorder in itself. Rather, it's a collection of diseases and conditions. In
fact, some types of cardiovascular disease can even cause other types of
cardiovascular disease. To get technical, cardiovascular disease refers to any
disorder in any of the various parts of your cardiovascular system, which is
made up of your heart and the blood vessels throughout your body.