Friday, 28 December 2012

Sugar- Sour Effects on Health

White Sugar is a staple in many homes for cooking and baking as well as a standard ingredient in many of the foods we consume. Refined sugar, as it is also called, is not only added to sweets, it is it also added in many of the foods people eat daily. You may be surprised to learn that refined sugar is included in bread, ketchup, mayonnaise, peanut butter and other foods that we do not consider to be sweets. Since it’s in so many foods, you may wonder how bad it can really be. We eat it every day. There is controversy surrounding exactly how bad sugar is on the body. There is research for and against the sweetener. Some claim sugar has a number of negative effects on the body. Among the charges against sugar are that it causes obesity and diabetes, is addictive, makes kids hyper and it suppresses the immune system.
So, does sugar cause all these ill effects on the body? Sugar is most definitely a contributing factor in obesity. Sugar does not cause diabetes; the precise cause of diabetes is unclear, but there are a number of factors, including genetics that interfere with the normal production and utilization of insulin. A healthy diet is important to a person’s overall health and wellbeing, so reducing your intake of processed foods and eating more whole foods is beneficial, with some sugar now and then. Get in the habit of reading the labels on any processed foods you buy, like cereal or energy bars. If sugar is among the top three ingredients, you are looking at a product that has high sugar content. The American Heart Association recommends that you limit your intake of sugar to no more than six teaspoons a day if you are a woman and nine teaspoons if you’re a man.

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