Thursday 27 December 2012


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that robs children of their ability to focus and pay attention. Kids with ADHD are fidgety and easily distracted. This makes it difficult to stay “on task,” whether it’s listening to a teacher or finishing a chore. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates 3% to 5% of kids have ADHD, but some experts believe that figure could be as high as 10%.
ADHD Symptoms: 
The child with ADHD who is inattentive will have 6 or more of the following symptoms:
·         Has difficulty following instructions
·         Has difficulty keeping attention on work or play activities at school and at home
·         Loses things needed for activities at school and at home
·         Appears not to listen
·         Doesn't pay close attention to details
·         Seems disorganized
·         Has trouble with tasks that require planning ahead
·         Forgets things
·         Is easily distracted
The child with ADHD who is hyperactive/impulsive will have at least 6 of the following symptoms:
·         Fidgety
·         Runs or climbs inappropriately
·         Can't play quietly
·         Blurts out answers
·         Interrupts people
·         Can't stay in seat
·         Talks too much
·         Is always on the go
·         Has trouble waiting his or her turn
Without treatment, ADHD can affect a child’s development socially and academically. The inability to focus often leads to poor performance in school. Kids who interrupt or cut in line may have trouble making and keeping friends. These setbacks can lead to low self-esteem and risky behaviors. ADHD also increases the risk of childhood depression and anxiety disorders.

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