Sunday, 3 June 2012

Overview of the Healthcare System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Health is responsible for the supervision of healthcare and hospitals in both the public and private sectors. The system offers universal healthcare coverage.

The healthcare system has two tiers. One is a network of primary healthcare centers and clinics that provide preventive, prenatal, emergency, and basic services, as well as mobile clinics for remote rural areas. The second tier is represented by the hospitals and specialized treatment facilities located in urban areas.

In 1970, the first of the government’s five-year plans to promote development in a variety of areas, including healthcare, was instituted. In healthcare, the plan only meant establishing the necessary infrastructure of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, and research facilities, but hiring expatriate staff to work in the facilities and encouraging Saudis to pursue careers in the healthcare field.

In 1970, there were 74 hospitals with 9,039 beds; by 2005, there were 350 hospitals with nearly 48,000 beds. The Ministry of Health operates 62% of the hospitals and 53% of the clinics and centers; the remaining facilities are operated by government agencies, including the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, the Ministry of the Interior, and several other ministries, as well as by private entities.
The breakdown of facilities is as follows:
Ministry of Health Facilities
These serve the general public and are located in both the large cities and the small towns throughout Saudi Arabia.
Military Hospitals
These serve members of the Saudi Arabia armed forces and members of their families, according to the branch of the military in which the individual serves.
Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG)
SANG is the branch of the military that is involved with defense against external threats and internal threats. SANG has four hospitals which provide care to the soldiers of the Saudi Arabian National Guard and their dependents.

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